Upscaling Digital Health and Care Solutions Through Living Labs

01/11/23 to 31/08/24

The twinning project aims to reach the homogenization in upscaling digital health solutions through living labs (LLs) in the adopters regions. The particularity of channeling this exchange through living labs structures gives the differential value of exchanging not only digital health solutions but co-creation, testing, prototyping and data management methodology and knowledge of state of the art innovative digital solutions. All the LLs are involved with their respective care ecosystems connecting regulators with users and their needs through the knowledge of existing solutions offered by the industrial sector, thus ensuring value based solutions. Furthermore, the involved LLs will share some common bases that set the frame for collaboration: Speeding up innovation, networking and collaboration, development and testing of more accurate services, which is achieved by the early involvement of users as co-creators. The Living Lab Originator, Thess-AHALL, will share their wide experience and know-how in fostering initiatives encouraging regional development and healthcare systems sustainability by the provision of novel technologies and innovation.

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