At the heart of cutting-edge innovation, ThessRoboGlove Forum aims to lead the way in wearable robotic devices for patient care and rehabilitation. We're thrilled to share a glimpse of the Forum's recent symposium held at the 10th Panhellenic Conference of the Hellenic Society of Biomedical Technology in Thessaloniki.

Symposium Spotlight: Wearable Robotics

Keynote Speaker: Konstantinos Nizamis, Assist. Professor at the University of Twente

Distinguished Speakers:

- Dr. Alkinoos Athanasiou, Neurosurgeon and Vice President of the Board of Directors of ELEVIT.

- Panagiotis (Panos) Polygerinos, Associate Professor at the Control Systems and Robotics Lab of the Hellenic Mediterranean University.

- Vasiliki Vicky Fiska, PhD Candidate (UoWM), Research Associate at CERTH & postgraduate researcher AUTH Medical Physics & Digital Innovation Lab

- Alexandros Astaras, Professor at the American College of Thessaloniki-ACT.

- Markos Tsipouras, Associate Professor, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Univ. of Western Macedonia

- Spyros Nikolopoulos, Researcher Grade C' at CERTH -ITI.

TRG's mission is to develop wearable robotic devices that empower patients, enhance their independence, and revolutionize the world of patient care and rehabilitation. By bringing together brilliant minds from across Greece, TRG is tackling common challenges and pushing the boundaries of what's possible. From personalized solutions to empowering independence, TRG is here to make a difference in Rehabilitation.