Exciting news from Budapest!The 3rd and final Consortium meeting of the JADECARE project is underway, and we are thrilled to have our very own Ph.D. candidate Xristina Plomariti representing iMedPhysAUTh and the 4th YPE! She is showcasing the incredible impact JADECARE has made over the past 3 years.

JADECARE, a Joint Action by the EU, aims to tackle the challenges posed by the transformation of health and care across Europe.By implementing digitally enabled integrated person-centered care, this initiative empowers health authorities to successfully drive health system transformation.

With the participation of 16 EU countries, JADECARE fosters collaboration among "Early Adopters" and "Next Adopters" to amplify the transfer of successful practices and generate vital knowledge to integrate into healthcare systems.

We are grateful to the entire consortium for their unwavering dedication and congratulate Christina for her impressive presentation. JADECARE has paved the way for a brighter and healthier future, and we couldn't be prouder to be part of this groundbreaking initiative.