Mixed reality, biosensor and artificial intelligence technologies supporting surgery practice and education

16/04/22 to 15/12/24

A tool to support the surgical procedure through mixed reality multi-sensory recordings and artificial intelligence will be developed. It will include a set of modern mathematical and computer techniques that will allow the automated analysis, processing and monitoring of data that will be recorded during an operation as well as the daily life of the health professional. The system will be called MIDAS and its goal will be to identify patterns and biomarkers associated with the successful outcome of the surgical procedure and to offer personalized suggestions during surgery in order to improve it. MIDAS will be developed in two phases: In the first phase it will be aimed at trainees in the field of health and will be a training tool for simulating real operating conditions through mixed reality technologies. In the second phase it will be addressed to health professionals and will be a smart system supporting the surgical procedure. MIDAS will be useful for monitoring the progress of the surgery but can also be used as a diagnostic tool by the surgeons themselves, as it will provide free access to advanced technological systems for monitoring the quality of sleep and detecting disorders (stress, etc.). The disorders will be correlated with features of sleep quality, exercise and mobility to provide personalized advice based on computer intelligence systems. The innovation of MIDAS is the integration of modern technologies for the evaluation of the quality of the surgical procedure and its full support before (training, collection of biomarker data) and during (advice, procedure monitoring) surgery.

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