Simulation medicine and Scenario-based learning for emergency care

01/01/23 to 31/12/25

The aim of the project is to improve the first aid and medical emergency care education system by implementing innovative integrating learning activities including scenario-based learning, simulation medicine and competent psychological support (SBL/SM/PsS) for physicians, persons from the category "First on the Scene" and all accident participants. The specific objectives of the project are: to foster medical education system development by conducting the training session for teaching staff of Partner Country Universities using scenario-based learning and simulation medicine; to increase expertise of medical teachers by conducting trainings on the features of competent psychological support for injured persons and persons who are present on an accident scene and for physicians and persons from "First on the Scene" category; to improve emergency care learning by design realistic learning scenarios using SBL methodology, SM which will describe the tactics of patient management on pre-hospital and hospital stages of the healthcare delivery for most frequent states requiring emergency care; to modernise the curriculum by implementing these scenarios, and conducting classes with physicians and "First on Scene" persons for each PCUs; to disseminate and sustain the developed innovative approach by creating a network of educational and training centers to first aid and emergency care using SBL, SM and psychological support; to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching emergency medical care and first aid with the use of SBL methodology, SM and competent psychological support in each Partner Country University.

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